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First Aid/AED Reward


For immediate release:

The Chicago Harbor Safety Committee recreational vessel education task force has launched a vigorous program of several Initiatives to improve marine safety and promote recreational boater education on the water. We are proud to announce that one of our 2024-25 initiatives is to recognize and reward the recreational Mariner’s commitment boater education.

The CHSC believes formal First Aid, CPR and AED training is key to saving lives. The CHSC will be awarding, free of charge, an approved USCG First Aid Kit to twelve participants who have successfully completed a combined First Aid, CPR and AED Course.

Courses must be delivered by a Certified Instructor and a recognized Training Provider, such as the ‘Red Cross or National Safety Council, during 2024, through March 30, 2025.

We are excited to announce that in addition to the First Aid Kit one entrant into the drawing as of as of March 30,2025 will be eligible for a grand recognition award of an AED to add to you vessel’s lifesaving equipment list.


All that is necessary to participate in the drawing is to provide a copy or photo of your successful completion certificate of a combined FA/CPR/AED course. This must be submitted to our Recreational Sector Educational Subcommittee Chairman by March 30th. The names of all respondents will be entered into an automatic number generator program. Awardees will be drawn at random on April 1st for presentation at the April 9th CHSC quarterly meeting. You can send a copy of your Certificate via email to or a photo of your ‘Certificate to 312 310 6398.

Remember an educated boater is a safe boater! Be safe, be prepared!

Captain Jerry Miarecki

CHSC-Recreational boater representative-

Chair, Recreational Boater Education Task Force

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