Recreational Outreach Task Force
The Chicago Harbor Safety Committee is pleased to share the work product of the 2023 Recreational Outreach Task Force. The Recreational Task Force members were chosen based on their expertise, influence and dedication to improving marine safety. The primary recommendation of the task force was to promote training opportunities to the novice recreational boater. The task force work product can be found attached as opportunities for learning in the Chicago area. This list will be updated as training opportunities are developed.
Special thanks to the members of the Chicago Harbor Safety Committee Recreational Boater Task Force.
Recreational Task Force:
Dave Brezina (Chicago Corinthian Yacht Club, Montrose Harbor, sailor, yacht club Past Commodore)
Ben Alden (Chicago Harbors / Suntec) (Shore Side Facility Sector, But Knows All the Boaters in the Harbor System)
Kurt Lentsch: (Chicago Boaters Facebook Page)
Gerald Miarecki: (Chicago Yacht Club, Monroe, Du Sable Harbors)
John McDermott (CHSC Human Powered Sector Director, Very Familiar with Chicago River)
Russell Salzman (CHSC Recreational Boating Sector Director, Columbia Yacht Club, Monroe, DuSable Harbors)
Darryl Davis (Chicago Yachting Association Representative, Museum Shores Yacht Club Past Commodore)
Joshua Zach (USCG Auxiliary)
Bridget Darrey (USCG Auxiliary)
Terry Paggi (USCG Auxiliary)
Christopher Lee Strahlman (USCG Auxiliary)
John Saran (USCG Auxiliary)