Capt. John DeCruz
Chair, Harbor Safety, Navigation, and Operations Committee of the Port of New York/New Jersey, and Pilot, The United NY/NJ Sandy Hook Pilots Association
I am from a family of many mariners. Most of them have worked here in New York harbor. In 1992 I graduated from N.Y. Maritime College at Fort Schuyler. I shipped out as an officer on deep sea vessels visiting over 10 different countries. I also worked in New York harbor on tugboats until I became an apprentice pilot with The Sandy Hook Pilots' Association in the Summer of 1997. In 2009, I became a Full Branch Sandy Hook Pilot. I have been a Sandy Hook Pilot Trustee for 17 years. I served as the NY President from 2015 to 2023. I am currently the Vice-President.
My current role as Chair of the Harbor Safety, Navigation and Operations Committee of the Port of New York/ New Jersey is to ensure our Harbors and Waterways are safe for navigation for all users on water and on land. Our mission is to provide professional guidance and recommendations to all interested parties and port partners in the area.
I have been happily married to my Wife Marcia and proud of my 3 children Shannon, Daniel and John Jr. I currently reside in Morristown, New Jersey.
I am actively engaged with the following Maritime Community groups:
New York Harbor School/ Billion Oyster Project-Board member
The Marine Society of New York-Member
Organization Of Black Maritime Graduates (OBMG)-Member
New York Maritime College Industry Museum-Board Member
American Merchant Marine Veterans Association-Dennis Roland Chapter- Member